From the very beginning, Lindum sought to do a good job for clients and share company successes with the people who made it happen

The philosophy of ‘sustain and share’ and ‘teamworks’ underpinned our management philosophy from day one.

However, the catalyst to set up the Employee Ownership Share Scheme came in 1994 during the aftermath of a particularly complicated construction project.

With hindsight, we felt some of the problems we encountered during the contract may have been avoided had there been a deeper level of pride, ownership and commitment among employees.

We hoped that by encouraging people to buy into the company, employees would be more likely to feel involved further and this has been an important factor in our success ever since.

Currently, 500 of our 600 staff are employee shareholders.

We have an annual AGM to which all employees are invited. This is an opportunity to discuss the business and ask questions directly of the Executive Board

All staff, including management, act as ambassadors for the share schemes. They ensure new members of the team are aware of how to join the scheme and what the benefits and risks could be.

Employee shareholders have a vested interest in the business performing well and can influence the future share price. There are many ways to help but we focus particularly on saving cost, delivering projects on time and to quality, and by looking after clients.