Dean’s Sports and Leisure

Client Name

Lincoln College


Lincoln College


54 Weeks



Project Overview

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Major refurbishment and extensions of an existing system built building on a tight site with restrictions on deliveries and traffic movement. The project involved the creation of a multi-use facility including sports areas, hydrotherapy pool, beauty therapy/hairdressing, sauna and steam room. Open to the public out of hours, it has provided a welcome addition to the existing sports facilities in Lincoln.

Weekly meetings with the College Facilities team meant we ironed out any problems related to building on a live college site. Our steel deliveries arrived at 7am to minimise traffic issues in a very busy part of the City. We ensured that we made the best use of every ‘window of opportunity’; during half term we installed trench sheeting to ensure access routes around the college were maintained. Our Client also had other contractors working on site and we met with them regularly to make sure we were all working together to achieve the Client’s goals.

In order to reduce the amount of steelwork and simplify its design, we suggested relocating the Plant Room. We also introduced the Monodraught natural ventilation system (previously used by us on a Lincoln University project) which had the effect of reducing the amount of ventilation ducting required. The Client was happy with these design changes and we integrated them within the project.

The building achieved a BREEAM Good rating.