Children’s artwork is on display around the perimeter of a construction site at a school in south Lincolnshire.

Pupils from William Stukeley C of E Primary School have decorated site hoarding, which was put in place by Lindum Group, as part of work to build a four-classroom extension.

Site Manager Paul Machin asked headteacher Peter Bellamy if the children would like to produce construction-themed drawings to help brighten up two fencing panels around the site.

The result was an impressive collection of colourful artwork, including depictions of diggers, tractors, and even a detailed cityscape.

The school’s student council played an important role in the project by reviewing all submissions and selecting their favourite pieces. The chosen artwork was then arranged and printed onto Lindum hoardings, which now adorn the perimeter of the site and the fencing around the school’s car park.

Peter Bellamy, Headteacher at William Stukeley Primary, said: “It’s great to see the children getting involved and testing their artistic skills. Site Manager Paul and the entire Lindum team have been fantastic. We welcome more collaboration like this with them in the future!”

As well as providing pupils with the opportunity to test their creative flair and use their imagination, the task was also a great way to draw their attention to the work taking place on their school site and the potential hazards that arise from construction activities.

The ongoing two-phase expansion at William Stukeley Primary is set to boost the school’s capacity by adding four new classrooms, extending the hall, and creating modern breakrooms and workspaces. The project is due for completion in March next year.